Composite Fillings

A White Filling for Cavities Can Give Your Smile Extra Brightness

If you’re like many people in Cincinnati, Ohio, and around the world, you probably remember a time when cavities were filled with amalgam fillings. Since the 19th century, dentists have filled cavities with fillings made from various types of metal, including mercury, silver, and even gold. For this reason, you may still see some metal fillings in your mouth if you’re old enough.

The good news is that no one has to have a mouth full of silver fillings anymore. With modern dental advances, dentists now have tooth-colored restoration options for you. This means that even if you get a filling, no one will ever have to know because the fillings are the same color as your natural teeth.

What is tooth-colored restoration, and are non-amalgam fillings as effective as the metal fillings of the past? Let’s dive in and learn more.

What Is Tooth Colored Restoration?

Everyone has oral bacteria, regardless of how often you brush your teeth. This bacteria can easily lead to tooth decay and cavities, and that can happen even if you brush and floss regularly.

When you have a cavity, your dentist has to remove the affected part of the tooth and fill the cavity (small hole) with material that will protect the root. This will also protect the teeth from further damage.

Non-amalgam fillings are made with BPA-safe composite resin that is shaded to match the color of your natural teeth. This resin is made from powdered glass, giving the resin a natural sheen that looks nearly exactly like your dental enamel.

What Is the Process for Placing White Fillings?

 Below, we outline the entire process for getting white fillings.

  • The first step in getting white fillings is your dentist and their team explaining precisely what you can expect. Being well-informed about the process makes all the difference in how comfortable you’ll be while the dentist repairs your cavities.
  • The team will use effective local anesthesia so that you experience no pain during the procedure. If you want sedation options, that can also be provided.
  • Once the area is numb, the dentist will use an electric handpiece to minimize the sound and vibration of the drilling. Your dentist will thoroughly clean the debris area and bacteria before filling it with white material.
  • Using a special UV light, the dentist will harden the filling layer by layer until it’s ready to be shaped. At that point, the dentist will shape the white filling, so it doesn’t affect your bite.
  • The last step is polishing your white filling to a gorgeous natural sheen.
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White Filling for Cavities in Cincinnati, OH

Do you want to find out if white fillings are a good fit for you? Drs. Patel and Dornhecker and the team at Patel and Dorhecker Dentistry in Cincinnati, OH, are here to serve you. Give us a call at (513) 815-3166 today for more information. You can also request an appointment online.

Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker

Published by
Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker

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