Dental Crowns and Bridges

Why might I need a dental crown for a broken or chipped tooth?

At Patel and Dornhecker Dentistry of the Cincinnati, Ohio area, patients and families can obtain the care they need, treating a wide range of dental issues that can arise. We provide urgent dental care for problems like chipped or broken teeth. Our dentists, Drs. Jesal A. Patel and Shawn Dornhecker often recommend dental crowns for repairing teeth. If you would like to learn more about the restoration of a natural tooth with a dental crown and ways to prevent broken teeth, we welcome you to continue reading on!

Why is a dental crown a smart choice for a broken tooth?

Chipped and broken teeth can become sharp, potentially cutting the gum tissues or tongue and leaving a tooth susceptible to infection and further breakage. A dental crown, often called a dental “cap,” is a porcelain restoration made to cover and protect the entire tooth for years. It is the best solution compared to the alternative: permanent extraction of the adult tooth and replacement with dentures, bridges, or implants.

What are some ways to reduce the risk of a chipped tooth?

Repairing a chipped tooth is important, but we encourage patients to take preventative measures to avoid dental problems. Some of the steps patients can take to reduce the potential of a broken or chipped tooth include:

  • Wear a mouthguard. If you participate in sports or other high-impact activities, wearing a custom dental mouthguard can help protect your teeth from impact and prevent chipping. Custom-made mouthguards are especially recommended as they offer the best fit and protection.
  • Avoid very hard foods. Some foods are more likely to cause chips or cracks in our teeth than others. This includes candy, popcorn kernels, ice, and hard candies. Avoid biting or chewing on these foods to reduce one’s risk of a chipped tooth.
  • Don’t use your teeth as tools. Many people have a habit of using their teeth to open bottles or packaging, which can put unnecessary pressure on the natural teeth and increase the risk of chips or cracks. Always use proper tools instead of your teeth.
  • Practice good oral hygiene. Keeping the teeth and gum tissues healthy is essential in preventing dental problems, including chipped teeth. Brush twice daily, floss daily, and visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups.
  • Address underlying dental issues. Issues such as tooth decay or weak enamel can increase the risk of a chipped tooth. Make sure to address any dental problems and follow Drs. Patel and Dornhecker’s recommendations for treatment.
  • Consider getting a dental crown or veneer. If you have weak or damaged teeth, we may suggest getting a dental crown or veneer to strengthen and protect them from further damage. This can be especially helpful if you are prone to chipping teeth.
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Learn more about using dental crowns for broken teeth with Cincinnati, Ohio, area dentists!

Drs. Jesal A. Patel and Shawn Dornhecker of Patel and Dornhecker Dentistry in Fairfield and Bridgetown, Ohio, work with patients in and around the community interested in preventative and restorative dentistry. We welcome you to call one of our two office locations serving the Cincinnati, Ohio, area, including our Fairfield office at (513) 815-3166 and our Bridgetown office at (513) 815-3188.

Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker

Published by
Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker

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