Teeth Cleaning

The importance of integrating a professional dental cleaning into your oral hygiene routine

A healthy smile is easy to maintain as long as you take proper care of it. Your teeth and gums are susceptible to many possible concerns, including tooth decay and periodontal disease. To keep these issues at bay and even avoid them from developing, you must develop an oral hygiene routine that makes prevention the spotlight of each day!

Why is oral hygiene important?

Drs. Jesal A. Patel and Shawn Dornhecker of Patel and Dornhecker Dentistry in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area are dentists ready to educate patients on how critical it is to keep their smile healthy. While tooth enamel is one of the strongest parts of the body, it is still susceptible to damage. While damage can occur in the form of injuries and trauma, it can also happen with poor oral hygiene habits. Avoiding brushing and flossing, paired with a poor nutritional diet, can leave the teeth at risk for developing severe issues that may be irreversible.

What are some oral hygiene routine tips from the team at Patel and Dornhecker Dentistry?

Our dentists are here to educate you on ways to maintain a healthy smile, as this knowledge can assist in keeping the teeth and gums free from potential problems. Below are a few of the common recommendations made by our team of professionals:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, morning and night, or after every time you eat or drink to remove sugars from tooth enamel
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day, removing particles of food that can become trapped between the teeth and contribute to gum disease or cavities
  • Visit Patel and Dornhecker Dentistry at least every six months for an evaluation with our team to look for the signs of potential issues developing within the smile. During these appointments, patients will not only obtain a thorough evaluation but have a professional dental cleaning performed by our trained and experienced dental hygienists
  • Call the dentist when problems arise, regardless of how minor they may seem. Slight pain and discomfort when chewing food may be a sign of a cavity, which can be treated early to avoid more damage to the smile
  • Monitor what you eat, and be mindful of maintaining a healthy diet low in sugars and sweets. Patients will want to focus on foods that will help them avoid not only obesity, which is linked to many different medical conditions but cavities and disease due to the acids that can form on the surfaces of the enamel
Schedule your appointment today
(513) 815-3166 (513) 815-3188
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Request time to speak to our team about your dental health needs

If you are looking for ways to improve your oral hygiene routine in Cincinnati, Ohio, we invite you to speak to Drs. Jesal A. Patel and Shawn Dornhecker of Patel and Dornhecker Dentistry. Our providers are here to offer solutions to help you achieve and maintain your smile’s wellness! 

Call (513) 815-3166 to connect with our Fairfield, OH office or (513) 815-3188 to connect with our Bridgetown, OH office. We are open to new patients and welcome you and your family to our practice for comprehensive dental solutions!

Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker

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