Restorative Dentistry

Patients near Cheviot ask, “What is dental bonding for your teeth?”

Drs. Jesal Patel and Shawn Dornhecker offer comprehensive general, cosmetic, and restorative dental care for patients near Cheviot and the surrounding areas. Quality dental care improves and maintains a patient’s oral health and quality of life. No one has perfect teeth. The aging process, lack of proper dental hygiene, and previous trauma can affect the way the teeth look and perform. Thankfully, there are many dental procedures such as dental bonding for your teeth to improve their appearance and function.

What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding is a treatment that restores or corrects imperfections in the teeth. This can include spacing issues, gaps, discoloration, chipped or broken teeth, or decay. Bonding is simply applying a composite resin material to the surface of the tooth.

A tooth-colored resin material is used to address the targeted areas. The product has the consistency of modeling clay. It is applied to the tooth and molded into the proper shape and size. A special light is placed over the tooth to harden the bonding. Once hardened, the area is polished to smooth out any rough areas. The procedure is called bonding because the material bonds to the tooth. The procedure is ideal for small restorative or cosmetic needs.

Bonding is a good option for some small cosmetic or restorative procedures. It is often more economical than other cosmetic procedures. Bonding may be used in the following situations:

  • Closing a gap or diastema between two teeth
  • Fixing a chipped tooth
  • Filling decayed teeth
  • Altering a tooth’s appearance
  • Protecting the tooth root when gums recede

What to expect

Bonding is a safe dental procedure. Little advance preparation is needed. The treatment can be started and completed in a single appointment. Bonding preserves the integrity of the natural tooth. Using a shading guide, the dentist selects the appropriate resin color to match your natural tooth. This helps produce a natural-looking result.

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The bonding process requires the tooth surface to be etched or roughened. A conditioning liquid is applied that will allow the resin bonding material to adhere to the tooth. Once the tooth is prepared with the etching material and conditioning liquids, the bonding can be applied. The chosen tooth-colored resin material is applied to the tooth. It is trimmed and shaped to match the surrounding teeth and to look like a natural tooth. A special light is used to harden the material. This usually only takes a moment. Once hardened, the dentist can polish the tooth as necessary for a smooth, natural finish. The procedure takes 30 to 60 minutes per tooth to complete. Bonding is generally completed in a single visit and, in many cases, does not require anesthesia.

A dentist with an artistic touch and close attention to detail gives patients optimal results when closing a gap, correcting a chipped tooth, or repairing a decayed tooth. Although dental bonding may not work for every situation, it can be a simple way to improve your smile and help you maintain good dental health.

Caring for your bonded teeth

With good habits, bonding can last a long time. You should care for the treated tooth the same way as the natural teeth. However, the bonding material is porous, so it stains easily. Regular consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, and richly colored foods increase the chances of discoloration. Avoid these for the first couple days after your procedure. Rinse your mouth after consuming tooth staining products so they do not sit on your teeth.

Good oral hygiene rules apply. Brush at least twice daily to remove bacteria and surface stains. Floss each day to remove particles from between the teeth. Visit your dentist regularly for examinations and cleanings to keep your smile bright and healthy.

Prolong the life of the bonding material by avoiding habits that may damage your teeth. Do not bite your nails or use your teeth to open packages. Wear a mouth guard during contact sports to protect the natural teeth as well as the bonded ones.

For more information on dental bonding for your teeth, contact us in Bridgetown at  [phonew] or in Fairfield at (513) 815-3166.

Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker run a successful dental practice in their home state of Ohio. Both doctors attended the Miami University for Microbiology in Oxford, Ohio and The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. The wife-husband duo brings together a wealth of experience while working with children, adults, and veterans during their residency at The Medical College of Ohio.

Patel and Dornhecker Dentistry has two offices in Bridgetown and Fairfield. The team at the clinic strives to serve with the best quality care to their patients using the latest technology. They strongly believe in working with local businesses in Ohio to empower the local community.

Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker

Published by
Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker

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