Chipped Tooth Repair

Broken tooth repair options to restore your smile in Fairfield TWP, OH

“Yikes, I chipped a tooth!” While a broken tooth can seem like a big problem, there is no need to panic. At Patel & Dornhecker Dentistry in Fairfield TWP, OH, our dentists will have you smiling again in no time! We offer multiple broken tooth repair options to restore both the appearance and function of your natural tooth.

When the unexpected happens

There are several reasons a tooth might break or chip. Traumatic injuries, such as a fall or a blow to the mouth, can lead to a tooth fracture along with other dental issues such as damage to the pulp and nerve in a tooth, so it is important to see your dentist for an assessment as soon as possible when an injury occurs. In addition, weakened teeth are more susceptible to breaks, and chewing hard objects such as pencils or ice can also put a chip in your smile.

What to do after a tooth breaks

No matter what causes a broken tooth, a chip can expose it to several potential problems such as infection, nerve damage, and pain, and the fractured portion of the tooth may be sharp and cut the soft tissues of your mouth. By calling us immediately when you notice the break, we can evaluate your tooth and start your treatment as soon as possible to save your tooth from further damage.

Before your appointment, we recommend that you take the following measures as needed:

  • If your broken tooth is causing you pain, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to ease the discomfort
  • Rinsing your mouth with salt water can help clear any debris from the tooth and disinfect it
  • Eat only soft foods and try to avoid biting down on the affected tooth
  • If your tooth is sharp and injuring your tongue or cheek, cover it with some dental wax, paraffin, or a small piece of sugarless gum to help protect your soft tissues
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Broken tooth repair options

There are a few factors that influence which broken tooth repair option is best for you, such as the location of the tooth that is chipped or broken, how extensive the break is, and the health of the tooth.

  • A dental crown may be the best choice if you have a break on one of your molars because they need to withstand extensive biting forces and a crown will offer the best protection; crowns are typically tooth-colored, durable pieces of porcelain that fit over the entire tooth
  • Composite resin bonding can be a great choice for chips or breaks on the front teeth; this material can be shaped and colored to match the appearance of your natural tooth, so no one knows that you have had your tooth restored

In some cases, severe breaks or fractures may require more extensive procedures such as root canal therapy to protect the tooth from further damage or infection and ensure that it remains healthy and pain-free in the future. Other treatments such as porcelain veneers may also be a good option for you. Sometimes, it is not possible to save a tooth because the damage is too extensive. In this case, Dr. Patel or Dr. Dornhecker might recommend that you have the tooth extracted and then replaced with a sturdy restoration such as a dental implant or a bridge.

Our dentists will evaluate your tooth and provide recommendations for the repair options that will not only provide the best-looking results, but also the longest-lasting, most durable protection so you can rely on your tooth to function optimally.

Dental care for a healthy, beautiful smile

At Patel & Dornhecker Dentistry, we understand the importance of your smile and helping you restore its appearance and health is one of our top priorities. We take the time to discuss your options to repair your tooth and answer any questions that you have and help with financing for your dental treatment should you need it. With two convenient locations in Fairfield Township and Bridgetown, OH, we are never far from work or home so you can easily get to your appointment. Our Fairfield TWP office can be reached at (513) 815-3166 and our Bridgetown phone number is (513) 815-3188.

Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker run a successful dental practice in their home state of Ohio. Both doctors attended the Miami University for Microbiology in Oxford, Ohio and The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. The wife-husband duo brings together a wealth of experience while working with children, adults, and veterans during their residency at The Medical College of Ohio.

Patel and Dornhecker Dentistry has two offices in Bridgetown and Fairfield. The team at the clinic strives to serve with the best quality care to their patients using the latest technology. They strongly believe in working with local businesses in Ohio to empower the local community.

Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker

Published by
Dr. Jesal A. Patel and Dr. Shawn Dornhecker

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